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We can’t wait to recognize your generosity and promote your business at our graduation ceremony!

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Deadline for printed PDF program recognition: 


Our graduation ceremony for teams that have been matched during the previous year is one of South Carolina’s most special holiday events. After each team is introduced, the client is offered an opportunity to say a few words. The stories they tell about their situation and how their service dog has helped them are eye-opening and moving. There is seldom a dry eye in the room after hearing these stories. You’ll also hear how our newest facility dog teams are changing the lives of the people they serve.


Our SPONSORS are a big part of these stories because our teams would not be possible without the generosity of our donors and sponsors.​


If you or your company are interested in supporting PAALS and reaching out to PAALS supporters,
we invite you to become a graduation sponsor.


Simply fill out the form with the LINK below which will include the option to pay by check or credit card

Questions? Please contact us at (803) 788-7063 or EMAIL US



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